

Tuesday 3 April 2012

A to Z Blogging Challenge #atoz

There is nothing quite like arriving late to a party so here I go and make my clumsy entrance, falls over own feet and knocks a few things to the floor, nothing new there then…

I signed up for the A to Z blogging challenge in the wee small hours of this morning –it seemed like an awfully good idea - just before the deadline loomed and closed so I’m around 2 blog posts behind the rest of the gang.

My thanks to the lovely people for organising this shin dig of an event which has gathered a huge crowd of bloggers together… I'm number #1914 – yikes so a fair bit of reading available here alone, reading other entrants blogs.

And I’ve already had some wonderful bloggers show up at my own blog and leave a lovely comment so thank you, much appreciate your early participation.

That said:

Aim to be caught up and on top of this lovely exciting challenge by tomorrow (that’s Wednesday – phew what a relief) so that I appear to be nicely in step by Thursday and all I have to do is conjure up a few ideas.

A… is for…

Hmm, now let me think – back to you later with a morsel of an offering.

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