

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

40 Days & 40 Nights in #Lockdown

I'm starting to feel as if I’ve been cut adrift. There is no definition to a month, no weekends or weeks as each day blurs one into the other, and I'm going to bed later and later as I stay up to watch late night films, not something I usually do.

While the weather is good I spend hours pottering in the garden and sitting in the sun but then the rain closed in around me I became more achy and less optimistic but this was a brief change, the weather's improving this week.

I need to find a different way to schedule my day so I'm going to make ideas cards with options to choose a more flexible timeline or timetable to suit my mood versus the weather.

Boring jobs and interesting activities with occasional treats for good measure and each card will have a time frame so that I can switch in / out my choices to find away to make each day a little different from the previous.

I haven’t left the house for 40 days and eventually I'll get braver and go out for a walk perhaps just to the post box and back because it’s strange that the highlight of my week is putting out the bin and joining in the clapping for the HNS.

The only visitors to my front door are delivery people, postman and food supplies for which I'm grateful.

I'm struggling to settle to read so for now I'll focus on listening to stories online until my focus returns.

Each day my aim is to be kinder to myself as I don’t have to be anywhere except in the moment.

If you had told me a year ago that I'd spend time alone at home without leaving the house for more than a month I'd have looked at you askance and said: 'don't be daft.' But here we are.

I'm not the most sociable creature under normal circumstances but I do miss visiting my grandchildren, my family and friends now. So staying in touch is vital for me, FaceTime is the new normal for my grandchildren and I've resorted to snail mail for all family birthdays.


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