

Friday 10 August 2012

How has your week gone so far?

I think setting my list of goals set at the end of July has helped me to keep my focus and prioritize my workload and time this month.

I’ve managed to complete the private project that I put at the top of my list. I’m currently waiting for the return of the first printed draft from the publisher, which I will use as a proof document. I used Lulu publishing, because I found their system very easy to complete the print process.

And now that this project is almost done I can move on to other tasks, especially as I’m fired up to get another short story published. So that has become my next focus for this balance of this week.

But this morning I distracted myself, by sorting through old papers on the pretext of looking for documents! It happens… little tricks that take me away from the main task but in doing so it reminded me to print off hard copies of recently written work to add to my file of short stories.

Next week I’ve promised myself I will lay out my novel and start to pick over the framework and work out where to go with the plot. Even if I only establish that I need time to reflect and a place to store all my papers. Little things will come to me and the next thing I’ll do is write.

I accept that writing a novel is a major task and not easily accomplished. So it will need dedication and application, therefore from 13th August I have to get my head down and write…

I have set myself a daily target of 1000 words on day 1 and 500 words on day 2 and so on for the rest of that week. I think this will let me break down the daunting aspect of the task at hand whilst increasing my word count towards the final goal.

How will you break down next weeks tasks?

Oh the excitement, whilst I have sat here typing this post the post lady has delivered the book of my Dad's poems! Can't wait to see how they look in print.

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