

Friday 6 July 2012


Over the years I have drawn immense pleasure from watching my nieces grow into beautiful young women. Jenny is no exception. In my opinion she is exceptional and I might be biased! Having just finished her gruelling GCSE exam sprint under immense pressure to succeed, but this didn’t stop her from fretting in the run up to the exam period, and she studied hard to get to the end. I’m incredibly proud of her achievement because from a young age she has been gifted, and now she is destined to go to Charterhouse, this September, because on her own merits, she has secured and won a scholarship. She will attend sixth form as a Flectherite. Who knows what will come next for her, Oxford maybe?

Prom night was last Friday. There was a mad dash to get her ready as her last exam was just the day before. Her fabulous dress had been ready for a while but she wanted help with hair and make up and this assistance came from her sister and cousin. As you will see from the photos, Jenny looked stunning. Hannah did a beautiful hair make over and Jenny's make up was exactly the look Jenny wanted to achieve.

I know that Jenny had a fantastic evening and felt like the belle of the ball, as did all the girls from her school. Even so Jenny was surprised how many people wanted to have their photo taken with her, and that might have something to do with her lovely sunny personality and perhaps, because this young woman has potential to go far.

Jenny’s big sister Charlie (Blondie) make up artist & Hannah hairstylist to the rich & famous (maybe)

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