

Saturday 8 January 2011

F is for First Person

I thought I could only write in the third person. It is how I have always written my short stories and my books. Then back in September last year I had a set piece of homework to do – write in the first person. Boy did I get a ‘med’ on… I was the grumpiest writer around. As far as I was concerned it was the last thing I wanted to do and I had a good old moan about it. Of course nobody heard that particular conversation, just as well really. Then push came to shove and I dashed off a piece of homework and included my strong reservations about the piece in the covering email.

I got a wake up call that was not expected. They loved my work. I was gobsmacked.

The funny thing is now that I believe I can write in the first person, I have found the perfect niche for this ability. This difficult unwanted piece of homework became one of those distracting new projects that took me off course, away from my novel.

Miranda developed a life of her own, and seventeen thousand words later I have a whole new storyline in the first person. I’d call that a result in its own right. But there’s more…I submitted a draft to Ether Books and they love it. Whoa, that wasn’t what I expected. However, I will eat humble pie as I am truly grateful for this new and exciting development. I quite like limiting my characters perspective in the first person...

I’m no longer a grumpy first person writer, lol…

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