

Friday 13 April 2012

Lucky Seven update

The lovely Jackie Buxton, @jaxbees challenged me to join the #Lucky7 and I want to take up this challenge... however I can’t write or complete this post before April 22nd… there just aren’t enough hours in a day, as I'm going away for a week.

The #Lucky 7 post is drafted and will appear here soon… promise #Lucky 7


  1. Anticipation is often a great thing.
    Rhia from Five Minute Piece for Inspiration (around #777 on the A to Z list

  2. Oooh - I love the Lucky Sevens. I'll have to pop back in.

    Hopping through with the A-Z. Nice to meet you!

  3. Rhia & Alison - Hi & thanks for dropping by, I’m back after a week in a wi-fi wilderness & about to get back on track so I shall look forward to you both dropping by once my #Lucky 7 is posted tomorrow.
