

Monday 30 April 2012

Z… is for… ‘Z’s’

Z the final letter of the British alphabet & the final letter of the ‘a to z blog challenge,‘ which I have successfully completed despite terrible planning skills. A holiday mid way through the challenge almost knocked me off course but I survived.

Z. One letter that has significance in many fields: chemistry, & physics as an atomic number & mathematics, I mean how many of you recall hating algebra, ‘if x + y = z’ questions?

And as a slang expression to mean to catch some sleep. But now I think I can catch a few Z’s before I start the next challenge:

My personal goal in May is to submit short stories to several platforms.

And finally to all my fellow participants I think we can safely give ourselves a pat on the back for this super nuts to soup event!

And my sincere thanks to the organisers as I’m sure it was no mean feat to organise and monitor the blogs & bloggers during the challenge.

off to read a few more blogs...


  1. Good luck with your submissions! I will diving into a novel revision in May and backing away from the blog a bit. Time for a breather! Though I'm a new follower.

  2. Hi Jaye lovely to meet you through the challenge, but looking forward to taking a breath before deciding which direction to head off in on the blog, maybe only a bi-weekly post for a May perhaps

  3. A few extra Zs never hurt! I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month. My alphabet is at

  4. Getting caught up with the Z! Nice meeting you and God's blessings to you!

  5. Hello,

    I'm recovering from A to Z, been a real tough challenge but I've enjoyed it.

    I'm going to try and submit some stories too.
